My Life
by G. H. (England)
So Far
It will save explanations later if I be- gin by describing my present situation. I am twenty-seven years old, single, and undoubtedly heterosexual. For the last eighteen months I have been engaged to be married to a very charming girl. We were sexually intimate quite soon after we met, and after a few months began to share a flat, so to all intents and purposes we might as well be married. However, we have decided to postpone the wedding until we save a reasonable sum of money to set up a home.
My fiancee knows nothing of my inter- est in TV, and despite the advice tendered in your booklet, I do not think she could possibly understand. On the few occasions when I have tried to open a conversation leading to the subject (usually commenting on some instance of impersonation in a news- paper), her attitude of disinterest and re- pugnance has prevented me from saying any- thing of my own feelings on the matter. Un- fortunately, she is also extremely possessive, not so much jealous of other women as jeal- ous of any time spent apart from her. From the time I come home in the evening until I leave for work in the morning I am never out of her sight, for even if I wish to stay